Abatement or Remediation – Which is Right for You?

Abatement or Remediation

You’ve discovered you have asbestos in your home or business and you know have to dispose of it. As a business in Manitoba, you should be aware of the requirement to bring in a company who is licensed and certified for proper asbestos removal.  As a homeowner, you may not be aware of this requirement and be tempted to manage the project yourself. Before you begin, be sure to educate yourself on the risks of asbestos exposure.

When it comes to environmental services, abatement and remediation are terms which are used interchangeably when it comes to the removal of asbestos-containing materials. While the general concept of addressing asbestos, they are two different strategies with slightly different approaches.

What is Asbestos Abatement?

Abatement refers to the procedures to control fiber release from asbestos-containing material in a building by encapsulation, encasement, or removal. The intent is to minimize the risk of exposure to asbestos fibres being released into the air. This could mean removing the asbestos-containing material from the building in its entirety, it could also refer to the process of managing the material in place. In layman’s terms it means wrapping the harmful material in a way which will effectively seal it off from other areas of the building.

What is Asbestos Remediation

Remediation refers to addressing the underlying cause of the hazardous material with the goal of ensuring it will not pose a risk in the future. Since asbestos cannot replicate itself, this strategy is more applicable to mould conditions as the only way to ensure full success with asbestos is complete removal.

Which Approach is Right for You?

The choice should be based on a recommendation of a certified professional removal company as they have the training, education and experience to know which method will work based on the type of material and location. Sometimes abatement is the safer strategy than attempting removal of difficult to reach asbestos materials and risking contamination. On the other hand, if the material is accessible and visibly deteriorating, removal and remediation may be the best option.

Engaging a professional Environmental Services company ensures the project will meet provincial health regulations. This includes testing the suspect materials to determine the type of material before it is disturbed. Certified technicians will then determine the best course of action for safe removal and disposal of the materials. At Advanced Environmental, our priority is the safety and health of all parties potentially affected by the situation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding possible hazardous-materials in your residence or place of business, call all us today at 204-284-6390 for more information or just send us inquiry!

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