Stress at Work? Take a Deep Breath.

A common comment made to those exhibiting stress in the workplace is to “Take a Deep Breath and Relax”. Depending on your workplace, that may be the worst advice you’ve received.

Poor indoor air quality is a hazard that is unbeknownst to many while still affecting their health and well-being. How many times have you sat at your desk and thought “I just don’t feel good”? Perhaps you’re experiencing headaches, fatigue, dryness of the skin, eyes, nose and throat, nausea and a susceptibility to colds and flu. Those symptoms may not be attributed to your general health, they may be related to the air you’re breathing every day.

When thinking of facility maintenance, cleaning services, utilities, lawn/snow care tend to be the focus and duct cleaning could seem like an extravagance. Unfortunately, poor ventilation can have a direct effect on your employee’s health and productivity as well as potentially causing damage to computers and other delicate equipment. Considering the average number of hours spent daily in the work environment, clean healthy air is vital.

Building codes and changes to energy conservation legislation has led to environments with airtight construction and reduced outdoor air intake. Without the influx of fresh air, all the particulate matter is continually recycled. Combine that with a buildup of carbon dioxide it is the perfect combination for “sick building syndrome”, a term coined to describe the increasing common maladies reported.

There are a number of newer technologies in development to assist in offsetting the concerns regarding indoor air quality, such as those which measure VOCs which will decide when to draw in outside air and whether to clean it using new chemical filters. Implementing systems such as this require planning and associated budgets. An easy way to start the process of upholding the general duty clause is to schedule regular ventilation system maintenance.  Duct cleaning is an integral part of this maintenance program and should be scheduled based on factors such as occupancy, foot traffic and legal requirements.

If you’re not sure when your ventilation system has been cleaned, it’s most likely time to schedule a service. Have one of our professionals evaluate your building’s environment and provide a customized plan.

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